Anatomic Reports

2021 DEFCON qualification

rick walkthrough


  1. Convert packet data to symbol tree
  2. Identify the correspondence between the values of nodes and logic gates
  3. Transform symbol tree into logic expression
  4. Solve the expression with Z3


This challenge takes the form of a game. Push the lever correctly to open the door and go to the next level.


From level 11, the problem becomes hardly solvable for a human within the time limit. So what players have to do is reveal the problem information from server-side packets and write a script to solve problems automatically.


Play the Game

Before analyzing rick statically, I played it several times to understand the rules of the game.

These are what I learned:

  1. There is a time limit.
  2. Pushing every lever is not a solution.
  3. Up to level 10, the problem is always the same.
  4. From level 11, the difficulty of problems rises drastically.

Collect the Packets


I collected the packets from during the game and tried to find some pattern.

This is the TCP payload sent from the server when starting level 1.


And this is from level 2.


Comparing packets of level 1 to 10, I can assume that packets sent from the server would have the following structure.


Also, I noticed that data[n] is always different in every run-time, even at the same level. Since the problems of lower levels never change, I concluded that data[n] is somehow encoded.


I collected the packets sent by rick. It’s relatively shorter than the server’s.

These are the TCP payload when clearing the level 1 and 2. I cannot find any information from it.



Read the Binary

To figure out the protocol between the client and the server, I read the rick.

0x7C69: Receive num of data

On address 0x7c69, there is a do-while loop receiving 4-bytes from the server and saving it into num_of_data.

    if ( recv(a1->fd, num_of_data, 1uLL, 0) != 1 || size == 0x4F4B )
      std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cerr, "disconnected", 12LL);
      v31 = *(std::cerr[0] - 24LL);
      v32 = *(&std::cerr[30] + v31);
      if ( !v32 )
      if ( v32[56] )
        v33 = v32[67];
        std::ctype<char>::_M_widen_init(*(&std::cerr[30] + v31));
        v33 = 10;
        v65 = *(*v32 + 48LL);
        if ( v65 != std::ctype<char>::do_widen )
          v33 = (v65)(v32, 10LL, a2, a3, a4, a5);
      v34 = std::ostream::put(std::cerr, v33);
      a1->byte39 = 0;
      return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v95;
    num_of_data = (num_of_data + 1);
while ( &v95 != num_of_data );

0x7CC5: Receive data

Then it receives 4 * num_of_data into a1->data

v9 = 4 * num_of_data;
data = malloc((4 * num_of_data));
fd = a1->fd;
a1->data = data;
if ( read_fd(fd, data, v9) == -1 )             // read_data
  goto LABEL_54;

0x7D58: Decode data - logic gate

data[0] is divided by 10, and the remainder is saved into gate.

data = a1->data;
v16 = v14;
value = data[0];
v18 = v14 + 7;
a1->qword28 = v14;
memset(v14, 0, 0x68uLL);
v14[9] = v14 + 7;
v14[3] = v14 + 1;
v14[4] = v14 + 1;
v14[10] = v14 + 7;
v80 = v14 + 1;
gate = value % 0xA;

0x825D: Decode data - children

Call parse_data in n(data[1]&f) times.

if ( gate && (n = LOBYTE(data[1]), LOBYTE(data[1])) )
    cnt = 0;
    p_qword18 = &v89->qword18;
    v58 = 8;
      while ( 1 )
        v59 = parse_data(v16, (data + v58), 1, &v89);
        v60 = *(v56 + 32);
        v90 = v59;
        if ( v60 == *(v56 + 40) )
        *v60 = v59;
        v58 += v89;
        *(v56 + 32) = v60 + 8;
        if ( n == cnt )
          goto LABEL_74;
      sub_71E0(p_qword18, v60, &v90);
      v58 += v89;
    while ( n != cnt );
    v16[12] = v56;

0x77D0: parse_data

The code of parse_data is quite similar with above routines. Calculate gate with data[0] % 0xA,

value = data[0];
v46[1] = __readfsqword(0x28u);
gate = value % 0xA;

and call parse_data recursively in data[1] & 0xf times.

num_of_children_low = LOBYTE(data[1]);
if ( LOBYTE(data[1]) )
  v29 = a3 + 1;
  v30 = 0;
  p_qword18 = &v45->qword18;
    while ( 1 )
      v31 = parse_data(a1, (data + v28), v29, &v45);
      qword20 = v27->qword20;
      v46[0] = &v31->data;
      if ( qword20 == v27->qword28 )
      *qword20 = v31;
      v28 += v45;
      v27->qword20 = qword20 + 8;
      if ( num_of_children_low == v30 )
        goto LABEL_39;
    sub_71E0(p_qword18, qword20, v46);
    v28 += v45;
  while ( num_of_children_low != v30 );

This coding pattern seems recursive tree traversal algorithms.

Reveal the structure of a packet

Based on the information analyzed, I wrote the packet parsing script.

from pwn import *
from anytree import Node, RenderTree, PreOrderIter

p = remote("", 4343)

def encrypt(pt):
    global key
    return bytes([pt[i] ^ key[i % 4] for i in range(len(pt))])

def parse_tree(data, parent=None):
    global nodes

    val = data[0] % 0xa

    gate = str(val)

    cur_node = Node(gate, parent=parent)

    if val == 0:
        return 1

    child_n = data[1] & 0xf
    subtree_sz = 0

    for i in range(child_n):
        subtree_sz += parse_tree(data[2+subtree_sz:], cur_node)

    return subtree_sz+2

answers = [b'1', b'01', b'11', b'0001', b'1111',
           b'10', b'11', b'10', b'1111', b'0101', b'0101']

# level 2 => 01, 10, 11
# level 6 => 01, 10, 11
# level 8 => 01, 10
# level 9 => 0101, 0110, 0111, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1111
# level 10 => 0101, 1010, 1001

key = b'RICK'
level = 1

for level in range(1, 12):
    print(f"====LEVEL {level}====")
    sz = u32(p.recvn(4))
    challs = []
    nodes = []

    for i in range(sz):
        data = u32(p.recvn(4))


    for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(nodes[0]):



$ python3
====LEVEL 1====
└── 0
====LEVEL 2====
├── 0
└── 0
====LEVEL 3====
├── 0
└── 0
====LEVEL 4====
├── 0
├── 0
├── 0
└── 0
====LEVEL 11====
├── 2
│   ├── 8
│   │   ├── 0
│   │   ├── 0
│   │   └── 0
│   └── 1
│       └── 0
└── 1
    └── 2
        ├── 0
        ├── 0
        ├── 0
        └── 0

It works well.

Figure out the meaning of node values

I played the game again to infer the relationship between parsed information and the problem of each stage. First, I noticed that the number of 0s is the same as the number of levers. So I assume that 0 represents user input.

Then I wrote down all correct answers, looked at the tree structure, and figured out the meaning of the other values.

Level 2

3 represents or gate.


Level 3

2 represents and gate.


Level 10

4 represents xor gate.


Level 8

1 represents not gate.


It looks pretty inefficient to deduce the rest of the gate by playing games. So I went back to analyze rick. Thankfully, our teammate okas832 found and informed me of the code that handles the logic gates. The code is located at 0x8322. I analyzed the code and identifies the remaining gates.

Reveal the problem from packets

I wrote the python script, and it successfully reveals the problem information from the packet. The entire code is at the end of the article.

====LEVEL 1====
└── I
====LEVEL 2====
├── I
└── I
====LEVEL 3====
├── I
└── I
====LEVEL 4====
├── I
├── I
├── I
└── I
====LEVEL 11====
├── Not
│   └── I
├── Or
│   ├── I
│   └── I
└── Unk1
    ├── I
    ├── I
    ├── I
    └── I

Solve the problem with Z3

So the problem is equivalent to solving a logical expression. I decided to solve it with Z3. Here is the full solver script(fixed by okas832).

from pwn import *
from z3 import *
from anytree import Node, RenderTree, PreOrderIter

p = remote("", 4343)

logic_table = {0: "I", 1: "Not", 2: "And",
               3: "Or", 4: "XorM", 5: "Nand", 6: "Nor", 7: "Seq", 8: "Unk1", 9: "Unk2"}

def encrypt(pt):
    global key
    return bytes([pt[i] ^ key[i % 4] for i in range(len(pt))])

def XorM(*args):
    # multiple input XOR
    res = Xor(args[0], args[1])
    for var in args[2:]:
        res = Xor(res, var)
    return res

def Nand(*args):
    return Not(And(args))

def Nor(*args):
    return Not(Or(args))

def Seq(*args):
    if len(args) == 1:
        return Not(Xor(args[0], args[0]))
        tmps = []

        for i in range(len(args)-1):
            tmps.append(Xor(args[i], args[i+1]))

        return And(*tmps)

def Unk1(*args):
    return Nor(args[0], args[len(args)-1])

def Unk2(*args):
    return And(args[0], args[len(args)-1])

def parse_tree(data, parent=None):
    global nodes

    val = data[0] % 0xa

        gate = logic_table[val]
        gate = str(val)

    cur_node = Node(gate, parent=parent)

    if val == 0:
        return 1

    child_n = data[1] & 0xf
    subtree_sz = 0

    for i in range(child_n):
        subtree_sz += parse_tree(data[2+subtree_sz:], cur_node)

    return subtree_sz+2

def preorder(root, ans=None):
    if not root:
        return ans

    if ans == None:
        ans = []


    if len(root.children) != 0:
        for child in root.children:
            preorder(child, ans)

        ans.append('), ')
    return ans

def solve(root):
    answer = bytes()
    expr = ''
    vars = []
    var_cnt = 0
    ordered_syms = preorder(root)

    for sym in ordered_syms:
        if sym == 'I':
            var_name = 'vars['+str(var_cnt)+']'
            var_cnt += 1

            expr += var_name + ', '
        elif sym != None:
            expr += sym

    print(f"Expression: {expr}")

    s = Solver()

    if s.check() == sat:
        model = s.model()


        for i in vars:
            answer += str(int(bool(model[i]))).encode()

    return answer

answers = [b'1', b'01', b'11', b'0001', b'1111',
           b'10', b'11', b'10', b'1111', b'0101', b'0101']

# level 2 => 01, 10, 11
# level 6 => 01, 10, 11
# level 8 => 01, 10
# level 9 => 0101, 0110, 0111, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1111
# level 10 => 0101, 1010, 1001

key = b'RICK'
level = 1

while 1:
    print(f"====LEVEL {level}====")
    sz = u32(p.recvn(4))
    challs = []
    nodes = []

    for i in range(sz):
        data = u32(p.recvn(4))


    # for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(nodes[0]):
    #     print(f"{pre}{}")

    answer = solve(nodes[0])
    print(f"Answer: {answer.decode()}")

    level += 1

    if level == 101:

key = p.recvn(4)
sz = u32(p.recvn(4))
dat = p.recvn(sz)


$ python3
====LEVEL 1====
Expression: And(vars[0], ),
[vars[0] = True]
Answer: 1
====LEVEL 2====
Expression: Or(vars[0], vars[1], ),
[vars[1] = False, vars[0] = True]
Answer: 10
====LEVEL 3====
Expression: And(vars[0], vars[1], ),
[vars[1] = True, vars[0] = True]
Answer: 11